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The Natural Truth is a blog ran by open-minded individuals who are not willing to accept the false claims we are being fed.

The blog , started in 2004 , aims to reveal hidden truths and offers many natural alternatives to modern treatments.

Exerium Neuroscience's dirty little secret

Posted on | 2004-07-29 11:01 AM |

Exerium Neuroscience is once again in the public eye after revealing their unsuccessful project codenamed "Xeerimeinium". The description of the product is alarming to say the least. This morning a company respresentative revealed details about the discontinued device. The "Xeerimeinium" was described as a set of a computer , a 'receiver' metal stick and an 'uploader' chord. As always , Exerium wished to express that this product would have been a great leap in neurological medicine and it would have surely been a life imrpover/saver for many of those suffering from brain damage, amongst other neurological issues.

If technical problems wouldn't have come to light the device wouldhave been used as a way for people to communicate and thrive , without using their body. According to the company , the product wouldhave allowed people with low brain power , unable to control their movement and speech , a way to thrive amongst those close to them via a virtual environment.

The team working on the project aimed to extract neurological signals from one's brain and upload them to a computer program. The program was supposed to be running a comforting virtual space , even allowing the user to create his own virtual body ("avatar" , according to Exerium) , the visuals of the virtual world would then be outputed to a monitor , allowing for real world observers to communicate with the "Xeerimeinium" user.

While this already sounds disturbing enough to spark controversy , there is more. The procedure which the user would have to undergo to enter the virtual space required insersion of metal sticks and chords into his brain,rendering him completely immobile and at the mercy of the computers operator. According to a representative , the procedure would have been painless and would only cause mild discofmort ,lasting only for a couple minutes. Make of that what you will, but we all now Exerium is not known for telling the full extent of the truth.

Following a document leak revealing the shortcomings of the project , Exerium had no choice but to reveal their plans and stop the work on their new project. According to the leak , the device was more of a torture chamber rather than a simple experience. Exerium's computers were never powerful enough to render more than a small 'garden' in the virtual environment and the so-called choice of virtual "avatars" was minimal to say the least. The best the company could do was a model of a poorly looking woman . But even that's not all of it. The leak also detailed that the promised 'free movement' in the virtual space was laughable at best - the only animation the program could manage were a series of convulsions and shakes , to which the team jokingly reffered to as "dancing". The communication abilities of the project were also minimal to none - the communication with the user of the "Xeerimeinium" was almost always one-sided. The user could only recieve inputs via text ,which would then be translated into a sound file in the program,but there were almost no available responses for the "avatar" to use - the ones available were only short and often incomprehensible, in the leak they are described as being similar to poorly produced music.

Perhaps this is the one project that Exerium should have kept under locks , away for the public for eternity. After the controversies of unethical and often unsuccessful testing we finally know what Exerium was studying. It's hard to see how the company can get out of this one completely dry like before. Will the consumers bat a blind eye once again and allow these sick 'scientists' walk free? Or will Exerium Neuroscience finally face justice? Only time will tell.

We will continue to update you when more information about Exerium's failed project is revealed.

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