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The Natural Truth is a blog ran by open-minded individuals who are not willing to accept the false claims we are being fed.

The blog , started in 2004 , aims to reveal hidden truths and offers many natural alternatives to modern treatments.

Riebion Technologies plotting against readily available healthcare

Posted on | 2004-03-21 9:07 AM |

Riebion Technologies are always quick to make sure that we dont forget about how much they care for their consumers. We all knew that was hogwash a long time ago, but today they have trashed their consumers once again.

The company unveiled their new project "Health Mobile" - a texting service for "quick and efficient healthcare". When you first look at it you see that it's simple - you text their number and write your hospital

name and your concern , their program does the magic and by the time you arrive at the healthcare center the doctor will have all your information and past treatments at hand , allowing for a quicker call to action,

skipping the tedious questionnaires and interogations one may face when applying for healthcare. Thats great is it not? Here goes Riebion being the saviour once again. Of course it's not that simple!

By applying to their program you are registered in their system and you allow them to do with your private information as they please. Whats more, we have insider information suggesting that the

program infiltrates your phones mainframe and implants some sort of tracking device , letting the company freely track you wherever you go. BUT WAIT. THERE'S MORE. You will never guess who they are partnering

with to 'sustain the projects servers'. EXERIUM! That's right... The neurological company shrouded in mystery and bad press. This cannot be good. So here we are at a crossroads - will you sell yourself

for quicker access to healthcare or do you have dignity? I'm afraid if you chose the latter you are in a bad place. Many hospitals are said to be already thinking about treating patients using the "Health

Mobile" service before patients who don't want to give in to Mommy Riebion and Daddy Exerium. What are we coming to. This will not be a step forward for healthcare. No. It will make healthcare significantly

more exclusive and the average person who still manages to respect his privacy will be left on his own.

That's all the information we have for now. We will continue reporting on the new "Health Mobile" service as new developments come to light.

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