The Natural Truth - The Truth , Naturally

The Natural Truth Blog

The Natural Truth is a blog ran by open-minded individuals who are not willing to accept the false claims we are being fed.

The blog , started in 2004 , aims to reveal hidden truths and offers many natural alternatives to modern treatments.

The Orelium Brain-Life support system is a treat to the human condition.

Posted on | 2004-12-08 08:11 AM |

Our humble blog has never had a good relationship with the esteemed medical device manufacturer 'Exerium Neuroscience' and this newest information does not help our relations.

The widely known company revealed their new life support system called the "Orelium" this morning , claiming that it will be used to save and improve the quality of millions of

lives all around the globe. The device is a computer equiped with a small metal rod that is inserted into the patients brain . According to an 'Exerium' representative the apparatus sedates

the patient and preserves the persons neural brain signals , allowing for more efficient performance of invasive procedures on their body , requiring no anesthesia . As always, the

promises of 'Exerium' sound beautiful on paper , but as we and our readers know - there is always a catch underneath it. The issue with this contraption is it's "prototype" ,if you wish to call it that.

If you read our blog , you've most likely already heard of it. The "Xeerimeinium" device, a strange machine that was created with an attempt

to upload the human consciousness to a lousy virtual environment. Reading the 'Orelium' product description you cannot help but notice similarities with the aforementioned device. "The state of the art system

suppresses active neurological signals and turns them into easily transferable files , which are uploaded to a virtualised domain . The user is fully absorbed into the virtual landscape , so no physical pain is felt..."

It can be seen that 'Exerium' is once again trying to destroy the human condition and turn us into a virtual cloud of files. Humans are meant to feel pain , humans are meant to endure. There are natural alternatives

to these invasive brain-destroying procedures . The full extent of the effects these machines have is not known and will never be known , but it is obvious that it is nothing desirable. As always , we encourage

our readers to boycott these products and to resist the enforced use of them in our medical facilities. YOU have a choice to be human! YOU have the choice to go natural!

That is all for now. We will continue to update you when new information comes to light about the new "Orelium" device.

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